Selected Publications


Home Ownership: The Key to Inequality?
Pirmin Fessler, Martin Schürz. In: The Media and Inequality – 1st Edition, Steve Schifferes, Sophie Knowles (Hg.), 2023.


Borrowing constraints, own labour an homeownership: Does it pay to paint your walls?
Peter Lindner, Thomas Mathä, Guiseppe Pulina, and Michael Ziegelmayer. Applied Economics, published online: 16 Nov 2022.

Structuring the Analysis of Wealth Inequality – Using the Functions of Wealth: A Class-Based Approach
Pirmin Fessler, Martin Schürz. In: Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, Oktober 2022


Helicopter money in Europe: New evidence on the marginal propensity to consume across European households
Katharina Drescher, Pirmin Fessler, Peter Lindner. Economics Letters, Volume 195, October 2020


Risky assets in Europe and the US: risk vulnerability, risk aversion and economic environment
Karim Bekhtiar, Pirmin Fessler, Peter Lindner. Working Paper Series No 2270


Foreign currency household loans in Austria: A micro view on a macro issue
Albacete, Ritzberger-Grünwald, Waschiczek – in: Biswajit Banerjee, Fabrizio Coricelli (ed.), Crisis, Credit and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from Europe during the Great Recession, London: CEPR Press, pp. 237-260.


Micro- and Macrodata: a Comparison of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey with Financial Accounts in Austria
Andreasch, Lindner – Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1–28.

The Impact of Housing Non-Cash Income on the Unconditional Household Income Distribution in Austria
Pirmin Fessler, Miriam Rehm, Lukas Tockner – Urban Studies, Volume 53, issue 13, 2016


Factor decomposition of the wealth distribution in the euro area
Lindner – Empirica, May 2015, Vol. 42, Issue 2


How do households allocate their assets? – Stylized facts from the Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey
Arrondel, Bartiloro, Fessler, Lindner, Mathä, Rampazzi, Savignac, Schmidt, Schürz, Vermeulen – Discussion Paper No 12/2014, Deutsche Bundesbank


Micro and macro analysis on household income, wealth and saving in the euro area
Juha Honkkila and Ilja Kristian Kavonius, Household Finance and Consumption Network, ECB Working Paper No. 1619, 27. November 2013


Survey data on household finance and consumption: research summary and policy use ECB
HFCN Occasional Paper No. 100


Challenges of international surveys: plans for a Eurosystem survey on household finance and consumption
Carlos Sánchez Muñoz and Panagiota Tzamourani IFC Bulletin No. 30