Household Survey on Financial Wealth 2004
The motivation for the OeNB’s Household Survey on Financial Wealth in 2004 was the sharp rise in households’ financial assets observed in the previous years combined with a concomitant sharp rise in debt. This was the first survey to make available data for analyzing the financial assets and liabilities of households, with a view to gaining important insights into the risk capacity of households.
Selected Publications
Austrian Households’ Financial Wealth: An Analysis Based on Microeconomic Data
Beer, Mooslechner, Schürz, Wagner – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q2/06
Zur Aussagefähigkeit der Makrodaten der GFR und der Mikrodaten der OeNB-Geldvermögensbefragung: ein methodischer Vergleich
Andreasch, Beer, Mooslechner, Schürz, Wagner – Statistiken Q3/06
Characteristics of Household Debt in Austria
Beer, Schürz – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q2/07
Financial Capability of Austrian Households
Fessler, Schürz, Wagner, Weber – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/07
Stock Holdings in Austria
Fessler, Schürz – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q2/08
Wealth Effects on Consumption in Austria
Fenz, Fessler – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q4/08
Austrian Households’ Equity Capital – Evidence from Microdata
Andreasch, Fessler, Schürz – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q4/09
Decomposition of Wealth and Income using Micro Data from Austria
Lindner – OeNB Working Paper 173